Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Bow Chika Wow Wow

...or however it's spelled.

Today I bring to you some SFW pr0n. Fruit and Vegetable pr0n, to be exact. The plants swear to me they like it, so I keep taking photos. They're all legal too, so don't worry.

So I ate my ONE ripe strawberry today. And it was absolutely delicious. I have an internal record of the most delicious strawberries I've ever eaten, and this is up there with the Spanish strawberries I had in Paris, and the strawberries grown across the freeway from my house in Dixon...when the entire month of May smelled like strawberries.
It was like someone soaked it in simple syrup. The most pathetic part is, I still have half of it left. In a baggy in the fridge. Because, you know, gotta savor my crops. All one of them.

Is it getting hot in here, or is it just me?

Literally the day after I bitched about the carrots not sprouting, what did they do?

Now I feel guilty for complaining. This is what always happens.

And this is how they look today:

I feel like an old family friend. Well I remember you when you were THIS big [puts hand beside knee], and now I just can't believe how much you've grown! How long has it been - what, a day? Now I just feel old!

Soon enough it'll be time to thin those little guys. Or I could just leave them be and wait for one giant Supercarrot.

And lest we forget the peppers, which were bought a few days ago and are now all snug in their planters, except for Senor Jalapeno, who will be given a proper planting tomorrow. The okra seeds have also been planted, but taking a picture of dirt is pretty boring.

On a side note, we've been watching a hell of a lot of Gordon Ramsey shows lately. I think he has 300 shows at this point, but they are all so good. Now that James has gotten me obsessed with BBC America, I've been watching a lot of The F Word. And I swear every episode, he makes something absolutely and amazingly delicious. The best part about his food is that it's so simple and fresh. Which is what I've always thought with cooking, the simpler, the better.

Lastly, this totally sounds old lady (but we know I possess the maturity of a 68 year old, with the hot looks of a 45 year old, all at 24 oh my!), but I'm really interested in canning and pickling. I mean, for reals, store bought pickles taste like total ass. And they always have this weird neon yellow-green brine that just doesn't seen natural. I want the pickles of my childhood, from the Jewish delis. So I'm going to make them.

If I have learned nothing else, it is that if no one else can do it right, it's best to do it yourself. Unfortunately this rule works horribly for retail and food service jobs, but not when it comes to pickling.

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