Sunday, February 1, 2009

Pictures of the day

James and I went walking around Pine Island today. I'd say we were lucky enough to spot not one but two bald eagles and a nest; however, spotting bald eagles here is almost like trying to find pigeons in a city- it's not very hard to do. I feel kind of spoiled in the way, but I make the most of my surroundings here by trying to be out on the trails as much as I can. It's really a shame that the closest people will get to these animals is by going to a zoo, because there really are EVERYWHERE here.

As far as home is concerned, I've got two more strawberries ready to sacrifice their lives to the almighty stomach gods. I'm giving them another week. The carrots are getting so big I wouldn't be surprised if they were walking and talking tomorrow; my how my little ones grow so fast.

Also, and more importantly, T-minus FIVE days until Tim and Eric Live!!!!!! Oh mama!!!


グリー said...


婚活 大阪 said...

春のトキメキをゲット!大阪でステキな婚活しませんか?婚活 大阪で素敵な結婚相手を見つけちゃおう!春は新しい恋の季節です!婚活始めるなら今がチャンス!!