Wednesday, February 18, 2009


New garden updates:

Everything is growing really well, and thankfully the weather has remained cooperative. Of course, I shouldn't complain over a night or two of at-freezing temperatures in the past month, when most of the country can't even start gardens until the Spring. So I would like to thank the state of Florida, as well as Global Warming (or global tilting, or sun spots, whatevs), major hi-fives all around.

The peppers that were most damaged in our mini cold snap are now beginning to blossom. The cayenne that originally looked the weakest is presently my breadwinner. The flowers have fallen off and now the pep-peps are pushing through.

The carrots are becoming bush-like, but still nothing peeking out of the ground. So they're fairly boring to photograph. The strawberries have produced three more berries, and one midgy berry that I'm slightly afraid to eat. So far the fantasy of having crates of berries all at once has been forced into the reality that I only get one, maybe two at the same time. And let me tell you, it's really awkward to only eat one strawberry. How do you fit that into a meal? What kind of snack is that? I can't just mix it in with other berries...those are store-bought, they taste like sour cardboard, and it would be insulting. So I'm stuck with freezing my berries, adding them to the bag, until I get enough to figure something out.

The okra, cucumbers and soy are all coming in well. I love their fuzzies.

And lastly, here are some photos of last weekend. We went to the Game Preserve off the St. John's River. Saw some sites, and animals. The neat thing about going there is that after you take in the beauty of the animals, you can shoot them and hang their faces on your wall or make delicious meat dishes. Maybe not the alligators, but the boar and deer and fish. Although you might want to use a hook for a fish, not a gun (FYI).

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