Saturday, September 29, 2007

Finally, the weekend.

The best thing about the weekend is watching Pseudo-Apocalyptic-Doomsday Scenario shows on the History channel. Fascinating. As if the media doesn't scare the general public enough with obesity and germs, NOW we have to think about the possibility that ONE DAY there will be a huge earthquake on the west coast that will cause a volcano to erupt and a tsunami to hit the northern california seashore.

I recently acquired Adobe CS2 for my computer and its like Christmas came two months early. Three months? There are a zillion things I plan to design now that I have the software. At the moment, Im finishing up my business card.

Now its onto a website. I love design.

I started knitting a new scarf, because I made too many mistakes on the blue one. It's also a lace scarf, but its gray. I have a problem of stopping halfway through, which I need to work on. Oh well.

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